One particularly fun course in Creative Technology was called Animated Narration. Goal was to create any kind of animation conveying a story. Much of the course was devoted to narrative techniques, and little to animation techniques. My animation ended up looking very simple, with basic line drawings. The music accompanying it is by my friend Micha van den Enk. He recorded it live while watching the animation, like an old-school pianist at a silent movie (hella cool).

I will not be apologetic about the pun in the name of the second company.

I could go into the structure of the animation, about Protagonists with Challenges with a capital C, and about Comuppance and Resolution. But I will let the animation stand on its own.

I used Pencil2D to create the animation. At the time I used it it had a few problems. For a start, as they say on their homepage, it is a fork of a dead project that also spawned a few other forks. Each of those has its own quirks. Here is a writeup detailing the issue. One particular difficulty was that saving animation would take (seemingly exponentially) longer the longer the animation got. After trying to fix this, I worked around the problem by animating scenes separately to stitch together later. Adding sound had issues as well, so I also did that in different software.